BHobbs x Hot Sams Detroit
For people who don’t know you Who is BHobbs?
Dorothy's Favorite Grandchild, Bridgette's youngest son, Ron Street's little brother. Im just a fashionably creative Detroit native. Striving to be the most paid, and most played, on everybodies playlist. I am Black Gatsby of Rap. The Parental Advisory of Gentleman's Finery. I could go on for days, but I'll stop there lol
And why Partner with Hot Sams Detroit? and how did that come about.
"Why not Hot Sam's" is the real question. The oldest Mens clothier in Detroit, close to 100 year in business, BLACK OWNED & OPERATED; I belong here! I admire the culture they've created for themselves throughout the years and I wanted to use my talents for something bigger than myself. Dennis (BMG) and I have been polishing our craft for over a decade now, and he was the glue between me and HS. What started as a product shoot, gradually evolved into a mutual partnership. They loved our professional chemistry and we loved their establishment. We put our minds together and figured out how we can make life easier for one another and the rest is history.
What’s the connection with Belton Media Group? and how is it working with them
BMG isnt a typical "media group" to me. Its an extended family. Like I said, we've been connected for more than 10 years creating moment after moment. Im proud to say that Dennis is a true friend. I attribute a great deal of my image to him, because no matter what "off the wall" idea I'd conjure up, Dennis could always figure out a way to assist me in it's manifestation. I mean really think about it, if I came to you saying, "I want to be a hard core hip-hop rap artist, that wears nothing but fedoras & well tailored 2 piece suits" you'd probably think I was puffing on the magic dragon (lol) Not Dennis though... He not only takes on your vision, he makes it his own. That's the BMG difference.
How important is it for somebody to understand your vision and Branding like you guys have
Its Paramount. As creatives, we aspire to cultivate new ways of doing things. We dont draw within the lines. If you can't stretch your mental capacity outside of what's already happening, you'll never make history. We dont want to just exist. We want to stretch the limits of the universe and create things that will live on long after we are gone. That's why Dennis and I aren't "only" business partners. We see life through the same set of eyes.
What do you want to accomplish as "B Hobbs With The Dobbs" for your audience? Goals ?
I said this in a rap once, and I meant every word. It's like a mission statement of sorts. And as follows:
"Hobbs make these young boys
wanna go & get off them back streets
Clean up they act
Get they pants off of the a** cheeks
Become a brand
Secure a bag
Bag a bad freak
I'm exactly what Rap needs
If you ask me"
I dont fit the criteria of a rapper, nor would I like to. I'm me! I rap exceptionally well, but not for anyone's validation. I just have a passion for cursing and making life rhyme. I can dress with the best of em, but I'm not a "gentleman" "fashion guru" "stylist" or whatever other box people are stuffing themselves into now a days. Looking good just makes me feel damn good and I want to make everybody in the world feel the same way I feel when I look myself in the mirror. It's all pretty simple for me, no rocket science to it. I'm good at these things, so I'm exploring them IN MY WAY. The way I want to do it, not the way people think I should be doing it. I guess the mission for me -- in an indirect way -- is to reawaken the radicals in this era of conformity.
Photography by @DBeltonjr Brand Hots Sam Detroit
Artist/Influencer BHOBBS